
‘Let It Go’: Rape survivor Kat Sullivan serenades JCOPE with ‘Frozen’ song

Rape survivor Kat Sullivan serenaded the state’s embattled Joint Commission on Public Ethics Tuesday, demanding an apology from the agency that tried to force her registration as a lobbyist under the threat of thousands in fines.

Sullivan, 39, showed up to JCOPE’s Albany-based meeting with blue streaks in her hair, a bedazzled microphone and broke into a rendition of “Let it Go” from the popular Disney flick “Frozen” — demanding the panel apologize for tormenting her for months.

“The less you see of what they do the better, JCOPE staff will gaslight you. I’m right, they’re wrong and laws agree, my speech is free,” Sullivan sang to JCOPE commissioners, who insisted the public are not permitted to speak during public session.

“Let it go, no I won’t I demand my civil rights. Let it go, no I won’t! Rape culture isn’t right! ‘We’re sorry Kat’ is what I’ll make you say! May grassroots live long, and I’ll dissolve anything that stands in my way,” she continued.

JCOPE dropped it’s case against Sullivan earlier this month, after targeting her three billboards. Sullivan also hired a plane to fly over Albany in 2018 seeking passage of the Child Victims Act.

The watchdog agency claimed she violated state lobbying thresholds exceeding $5,000 and filed a case against her threatening if she didn’t register as a lobbyist, she would need to pay a minimum of $25,000.

Sullivan, a registered nurse, refused to register arguing she is an advocate, not a lobbyist, as she used money from her rape settlement case with upstate private school Emma Willard and was advocating on behalf of victims who still seek justice.

But JCOPE said in a letter they still think Sullivan’s activities qualify her as a lobbyist, and she should register.

“I plan to keep doing the same things that I’ve been doing for any kind of advocacy that I want to, and I have the right to and I’m not gonna do it under fear of threat,” Sullivan told reporters after JCOPE commissioners ended her routine, retreating into a commissioners-only executive session.

Sullivan has a pending lawsuit in state Supreme Court and plans to file a federal lawsuit seeking damages for JCOPE’s nearly two year long pursuit of her case.

A JCOPE spokesperson declined comment citing the pending litigation.

“I don’t sleep, I lost 50 pounds, I’m working out every day and then I’m consumed with fighting back because there’s a stigma of ‘well, if she just fought back harder,’ ” she added, blasting JCOPE for “victim blaming,” comparing it to a comment made by a NYPD union head that drew ire, claiming murder victim Tessa Majors was killed after trying to buy marijuana in Manhattan’s Morningside Park.

“Bill de Blasio said that in New York City they don’t tolerate victim-blaming, but I guess in Cuomo’s Albany, it’s par for the course.”