US News

Art Basel vandal tags Jeffrey Epstein’s mansion with murder conspiracy theory

The conspiracy theorist who defaced the infamous Art Basel banana wall claims he’s given Jeffrey Epstein’s Florida mansion a “facelift” — by spray painting “Epstain didn’t kill himself” along a gate.

Rod Webber, 46, filmed his guerrilla graffiti attack just two days after he was arrested at Art Basel for scrawling a similar message on the wall where a $120,000 duct-taped banana had been.

“Jeffrey Epstein’s house was looking so gloomy … I felt like it needed a facelift,” he wrote on Facebook, claiming the social media platform removed his video.

“I call this one ‘Stain on us all,'” he said of the deliberately misspelled message, scrawled in capital letters on what he claimed was the late pedophile’s Palm Beach manse.

Palm Beach police did not immediately respond when asked if the apparent act of vandalism was being investigated.