
Actress Nicola Thorp’s autocorrect prank on mom is hysterical

British actress Nicola Thorp sent social media into hysterics after sharing the story of how she pranked her mom on holiday by changing the autocorrect settings on her phone — leading to her mom’s cat sitter getting some very rude messages.

Thorp, 30, shared the exchange on Twitter, where she admitted to meddling with her 61-year-old mom’s cell phone.

The “Coronation Street” star changed common keywords and phrases — such as ‘hi’, ‘how’ and ‘the’ — to swear words and rude phrases.

The pair are currently on a trip to Germany, and as her mom tried to check on the cat back home she ended up sending a string of expletives instead.

“I changed my mum’s autocorrect whilst we’re on holiday in Germany,” Thorp tweeted.

“She just texted this to the cat-sitter.”

Among the garbled messages her mom sent are: “the sex dungeons of Cologne,” “b—h tits here,” and “I’m a massive s–g.”

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Nicola Thorp pranked her mom by changing the autocorrect settings on her cell phone.Twitter
Nicola Thorp pranked her mom by changing the autocorrect settings on her cell phone.
Nicola Thorp pranked her mom by changing the autocorrect settings on her cell phone.Twitter
Nicola Thorp pranked her mom by changing the autocorrect settings on her cell phone.
Nicola Thorp pranked her mom by changing the autocorrect settings on her cell phone.Twitter

Thorp’s post has racked up more than 50,000 likes, as the actress revealed her mom had desperately tried to explain herself over text.

She did manage to text “I did not write it,” “no,” “sorry,” and “some thin wrong with texts” successfully.

Thorp posted regular updates, adding: “Also please note the two-hour pause between ‘I did not write it’ and ‘f–k off.'”

The soap star kept up the prank by assuring her poor mother she “changed it back,” only for her mom to send out more nonsense.

She also ended up texting: “Doggies are allowed everywhere yaaa.”

Thorp shared a snap of the list of new autocorrect phrases on social media, cruelly revealing her mom couldn’t even type “a” without it being changed to something rude.

“God bless my 61-year-old mother and her new dictionary,” she tweeted.

Fans and social media users are in stitches over the prank.

“I’m crying laughing! So hysterical!” one person responded.

Someone else commented: “That’s the funniest thing I didn’t even know you could do this.”

Another said: “I know, I feel so guilty, and her poor mom, but laughing so hard.”