US News

London Bridge hero used Narwhal tusk to help stop attacker

A hero bystander who was inside a nearby historic hall when the London Bridge stabbing unfolded Friday ripped a five-foot Narwhal tusk from the wall to help neutralize the knife-wielding madman, a witness said.

The unidentified man can be seen on footage of the stabbing Friday in London hovering over the suspect with the massive tusk as others attempt to disarm the assailant.

Witness Amy Coop tweeted that she was with the man at Fishmongers Hall when attack occurred shortly before 2 p.m.

“A guy who was with us at Fishmongers Hall took a 5’ narwhal tusk from the wall and went out to confront the attacker,” she wrote. “You can see him standing over the man (with what looks like a white pole) in the video.”

She hailed the man for his bravery saying, “We were trying to help victims inside but that man’s a hero”.

Other Twitter users also heaped praise on the man for his quick-thinking.

“This is legit the most bad ass thing I’ve ever heard,” tweeted Tom Strachan.

Lawmakers also hailed the group of Londoners who tackled and disarmed the attacker before police shot him dead.

“What’s remarkable about the images we’ve seen is the breath-taking heroism of members of the public who literally ran towards danger not knowing what confronted them,” Mayor Sadiq Khan told reporters.

Officials said the suspect, who has not been identified, killed two people and injured three others.