Woman uses cat’s Instagram to accuse MLB pitcher of domestic violence

Major League Baseball has opened a domestic violence probe into free agent pitcher Sam Dyson after two cryptic posts on Instagram by his ex-girlfriend, including one on her cat’s account, written from the animal’s perspective, a report said Tuesday.

Alexis Blackburn wrote as her black cat Snuckles on its Instagram account, about someone smashing the animal’s play box while it was still inside it, The Athletic, a subscription-based sports website, reported.

“Someone I trusted with my safety, protection, and love did the unthinkable while I was inside the box,” the caption posted Tuesday reads.

“Mom has put up with a lot and some people won’t believe her and that’s okay,” reads the caption.

The caption accompanies a picture of Snuckles sitting atop a Halloween-themed box and an image of the same box smashed to bits.

More than 5,000 people follow the cat on Instagram and all of the captions are written in its voice.

The cat described “Mom” moving him out of her home and into “Grandma’s” house, where it’s “safe.”

There, “I don’t have to worry about getting hurt because of anger or control.”

“I don’t have to be scared of yelling and things being hurled at mom and me.”

One her personal account — and in her own voice — Blackburn, referenced being “bullied” by an unnamed person.

“I’ve allowed my physical health, my emotional health, and my mental health to diminish to nothing,” she posted.

“I’ve allowed myself to ignore red flags and bad in people because I loved them.”

A source confirmed to the website that Blackburn was writing about Dyson, a 31-year-old pitcher with the Minnesota Twins.

The MLB is looking into the situation and its investigation will include an interview with Blackburn, sources told the outlet.

Dyson couldn’t immediately be reached for comment by the outlet.

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💜I honestly don’t know where to start, but I need to start somewhere. I want to thank my family and friends who gave me unconditional love and support this year. From the bottom of my heart I appreciate each and every person I reached out to because I was able to speak freely without judgment or hostility. I was able to openly express myself and my feelings. I felt safe, appreciated, and loved, whether we were great friends or just met. I was able to be “me” or the masked version I gave you. I am broken though. I’ve allowed my physical health, my emotional health, and my mental health to diminish to nothing. I’ve allowed more things to happen than I want to admit. I don’t know who this girl is right now because this hasn’t been me. I haven’t been me in so long. I’ve allowed myself to use the word “sorry” in every conversation whether I did something wrong or not. I’ve allowed myself to ignore red flags and bad in people because I loved them. I’m not ashamed or embarrassed of the current me because I know I didn’t do this to myself. I didn’t make me hate me. But what I can tell my family, friends, and the world is I am on the road to recovery and loving myself again. I’ve closed a chapter in my life. This has been the hardest decision I have ever made, but I have to put myself before anyone else. I’m proud of myself. It takes strength and courage to speak and stand up for what’s right. Strong people seek help. Strong people encourage others to seek help. They don’t tell you to get over it, figure it out, and you sound pathetic. Weak people don’t seek help. Weak people make excuses for their behavior. Weak people bully others. Weak people blame others for their own insecurities. So for those who think I am weak andand not good enough, you are correct. The old me was weak because I couldn’t stand up for myself because if I did I was “opinionated.” I lost my voice somewhere along the way, but I was always “good enough.” I was always beautiful. I was always willing to “fix” myself to be perfect. Then I had to tell myself perfection doesn’t exist. #selflove #loveyourself #newme #💜 • “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

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