
Schiff says Trump engaged in ‘serious misconduct’

Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said on Sunday that he believes President Trump engaged in “serious misconduct” but has not yet concluded whether the president should be impeached.

“I want to discuss this with my constituents and my colleagues before I make a judgment about this,” Schiff, who has been at the forefront of House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, told CNN’s “State of the Union.”

The California Democrat said the evidence from public testimony over the past weeks is “already overwhelming” that there was “serious misconduct” by the president.

He said all members of Congress must be willing to carry out their oversight duties as spelled out in the Constitution.

“At the end of the day this is a decision about whether the Founding Fathers had this in mind this kind of misconduct when they gave Congress this remedy,” Schiff said.

“I have to think this was very much central with what they were concerned about: That is an unethical man or woman takes that office, uses it for their personal and political game, sacrifices the national security to do so. If that wasn’t what they had in mind, it’s hard to imagine what they did.”