US News

Giuliani pal Lev Parnas may be peddling tale linking Devin Nunes to Ukraine

Rep. Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, discussed digging dirt on Joe Biden during a meeting in Vienna last year with a controversial former Ukrainian prosecutor, a CNN report is alleging — citing as its source a lawyer for an indicted pal of Rudy Giuliani.

The lawyer, Joseph A. Bondy, reps Giuliani associate Lev Parnas, who was indicted last month on campaign-finance charges.

“Mr. Parnas learned from former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Victor Shokin that Nunes had met with Shokin in Vienna last December,” Bondy told the news site.

Nunes was at the time, in late 2018, investigating the origins of the special counsel probe into Russian meddling.

Such a meeting, if true, would raise conflict-of-interest alarms for Nunes, a staunch supporter of President Trump who has been his vocal defender during the Intelligence Committee impeachment inquiry.

Parnas is willing to tell Congress that he put Nunes in touch with Ukrainians who could help the congressman dig up dirt on Biden and a theory that Ukraine meddled on Democrats’ behalf in the 2016 presidential election, CNN reported.

The CNN report follows a similar story detailing a purported Parnas-Nunes link from Thursday, in the Daily Beast,

Nunes, meanwhile, plans to sue both CNN and the Daily Beast for their “fake” recent hit pieces, he told Breitbart News late Friday.

“They will find themselves in court soon after Thanksgiving,” Nunes told Breitbart.