
Washington Post quietly changes story on altered Russia probe document

The Washington Post deleted a key detail from its reporting about the FBI lawyer accused of altering a document related to the surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser, according to a new report.

The newspaper nixed a portion of its story that identified the lawyer as an FBI employee underneath Peter Strzok, the ousted FBI agent who worked on the feds’ investigation into Russian election meddling, Fox News reported.

The update was made just after midnight Friday without explanation.

The lawyer in question is accused of fudging the document related to the FBI’s Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court warrant application to surveil Carter Page in 2016.

The altered paperwork, however, did not change the validity of the warrant, according to the Washington Post. Two officials told the newspaper that the lawyer was forced out over the incident.

The allegation against the lawyer is contained in a draft of Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report analyzing how the FBI obtained FISA warrants on Page. The report will be released on Dec. 9.