US News

Gordon Sondland says he’s received ‘many’ threats since impeachment began

Gordon Sondland and his family have been threatened during the impeachment hearings, despite congressional vows to protect witnesses including the anonymous whistleblower.

The US ambassador to the European Union and his family have received “many” threats since he was named as a witness in the proceedings against President Trump.

Sondland — a Trump donor and hotelier named to his diplomatic post in 2018 — has also seen his businesses boycotted since being dragged into the impeachment process, including in Oregon at the request of Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer, according to Oregon Public Broadcasting.

Sondland detailed the unnerving struggle under questioning from Rep. Mike Conaway, a Texas Republican, on Wednesday.

“The chairman also announces at every hearing that he will not tolerate — and I agree with him — any witness intimidation, any threats or any issues of trying to bully a witness,” said Conaway. “Ambassador Sondland, have you, your family or your businesses received any threats or reprisals or attempts to harm you in any way?”

“Many,” replied Sondland. “We have countless emails, apparently, to my wife. Our properties are being picketed and boycotted.”

Conaway zeroed in on the second point, noting the Oregon boycott announced by Blumenauer last month.

“I’m assuming he [Blumenauer] believes that will harm you to the point that you will then be bullied into doing whatever he wants done,” said Conaway. “He intended to harm you and your businesses, is that what you surmise?”

Sondland confirmed, “That’s my understanding.

“As I understand, they’re going on as we speak,” added Sondland of the Oregon protests.

He did not elaborate on the nature of the threats he and his family had received.