
Gordon Sondland says Trump wanted ‘nothing’ from Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky

Ambassador Gordon Sondland testified under cross-examination from Rep. Devin Nunes and staff counsel that President Trump told him during a September phone call that Trump “wanted nothing” from Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“President Trump, when I asked him the open-ended question, as I testified previously, ‘What do you want from Ukraine?’ His answer was, ‘I want nothing, I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing.‘ That’s all I got from President Trump.”

Asked if he knew that Rudy Giuliani was pushing the investigations on Trump’s behalf, he referred to his previous, closed-door testimony.

“I’m not going to dispute what I said in my deposition. I made the call and I asked as I said the open-ended question: ‘What do you want from Ukraine?’ That’s when I got the answer. He was unequivocal, ‘nothing.'”

A closeup of Donald Trump's notes.
A closeup of Donald Trump’s notesMediaPunch / BACKGRID