US News

Sarah Ferguson defends ex-husband Prince Andrew, calls him a ‘gentleman’

Sarah Ferguson called ex-husband Prince Andrew “a principled man” Friday, ahead of an interview in which he’ll address his ties to Jeffrey Epstein.

The Duchess of York, 59,  defended the duke in an Instagram post, saying he’s a “gentleman” and that she’ll stand by him.

“I am deeply supportive and proud of this giant of a principled man, that dares to put his shoulder to the wind and stands firm with his sense of honor and truth,” she wrote. “Andrew is a true and real gentleman and is stoically steadfast to not only his duty but also his kindness and goodness of always seeing the best in people.”

She added, “For so many years he has gone about his duties for Great Britain and The Monarch. It is time for Andrew to stand firm now, and that he has, and I am with him every step of the way.”

On Saturday, Prince Andrew will answer questions about his friendship with Epstein — along with accusations that he slept with the pedophile’s teenage “sex slave,” Virginia Roberts Giuffre — in an interview with the BBC.