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PETA releases video showing matador repeatedly stabbing bull

Disturbing video released this week by PETA shows a matador repeatedly stabbing a helpless bull in his head.

The animal rights group posted the sickening 45-second clip to its PETA UK Twitter account Tuesday in order to advocate for a bullfighting ban

“NOTHING about this is entertaining. RETWEET if you know bullfighting needs to end!” the tweet read.

PETA is petitioning Spain’s prime minister, Pedro Sanchez, “to end the bloody torture of bulls” by “banning cruel bull fights and bull runs.”

“Every year, thousands of bulls endure a bloody death in bullrings across Spain,” the group wrote in its online petition. “These deaths are slow and painful: men on horseback and on foot drive lances and barbed sticks into bulls’ backs before the tormented animals are stabbed with a sword or dagger.”

“It’s time for the Spanish government to step up and protect animals,” the petition says.