
The top destinations Americans want to visit on a road trip

Ever felt the sudden urge to get in your car and just drive? You’re not alone – as 64 percent of Americans agree they want to hop in the car with their friends and take a spontaneous road trip, according to new research.

The survey asked 2,000 Americans which regions of the United States they were most itching to travel through and where they would most like to stop on road trip.

The Southwest came out on top at 38 percent, beating out the Northeast (27 percent) and the South (26 percent) – by over 10 percent.


The Grand Canyon (44 percent), Yosemite National Park (32 percent) and Yellowstone National Park (32 percent) are the most sought-after stops on a road trip – from a prequalified list of 30 destinations across the United States.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Sixt, the survey also examined what makes the ideal road trip – from the company we keep to essentials we bring to what makes the ideal road trip car.

Classic family road trips are still in fashion – with four in 10 preferring to spend time with their family, but Americans have a strict three-day limit when it comes to these.

This may have to do with the potential of six “car-guments” (car arguments) a family will have over that period of time – that’s an average of two a day.

From road trip essentials and routes to take, the average road trip takes at least two to four weeks to plan out and a further one in 10 are more particular, taking more than three months to plan a road trip.

The top essential for Americans on the road isn’t water – or even a first aid kit – but rather snacks.

With the average American chowing down on at least four snacks during a five to six-hour trip – it comes as no surprise then that snacks topped the list of road trip essentials.

Half of respondents chose pretzels or chips as their go-to road trip snack – with candy and chocolate closely behind, at 43 percent and 42 percent respectively.

Modern times seem to have taken a toll on classic road trip games, though, as three in 10 prefer to keep to themselves and play games on their phone or tablet.

A quarter of Americans do keep the nostalgia alive, however, opting to play I spy and the license plate game.

The appeal of a spontaneous road trip is very much alive – as 64 percent want to just get in the car and drive with their friends one day.

More than three in 10 Americans would actually prefer to take a longer route to enjoy the scenery, with 48 percent also opting for local or country roads rather than major highways.

“Road trips offer the flexibility to create your own journey,” said Daniel Florence, COO of Sixt. “Renting a car plays a central role in the overall experience.”

Americans were also asked about their car preferences for both a one-day road trip and a week-long road trip.

Three quarters of Americans would like to drive around in a convertible or sports car for a day trip, but when it comes to a week-long trip, Americans prefer an SUV or truck – at 62 percent.

“Taking a road trip means spending hours behind the wheel, so why not get a car you absolutely love?” said Daniel Florence, COO of Sixt. “We pride ourselves in offering the highest share of premium, luxury and extraordinary cars in the industry, giving people more options to find the perfect car that makes driving a little more exciting.”

Top 10 road trip essentials

  1. Snacks: 66 percent
  2. Phone chargers: 62 percent
  3. Water/sports drinks: 52 percent
  4. Camera: 45 percent
  5. Blanket: 41 percent
  6. First aid kit: 41 percent
  7. Flashlight: 39 percent
  8. Tissues: 37 percent
  9. Travel pillow: 36 percent
  10. Hand sanitizer: 35 percent

Top 10 road trip snacks

  1. Pretzels/chips: 51 percent
  2. Candy: 43 percent
  3. Chocolate: 42 percent
  4. Nuts: 40 percent
  5. Trail mix: 37 percent
  6. Beef jerky: 35 percent
  7. Protein bars: 33 percent
  8. Grapes: 29 percent
  9. Popcorn: 25 percent
  10. String cheese: 25 percent

Top 30 places Americans want to visit on a road trip

  1. Grand Canyon, Arizona: 44 percent
  2. Yosemite National Park, California: 32 percent
  3. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming: 32 percent
  4. Niagara Falls, New York: 31 percent
  5. Florida Keys, Florida: 31 percent
  6. Las Vegas, Nevada: 28 percent
  7. Lake Tahoe, Nevada and California: 28 percent
  8. Mount Rushmore, South Dakota: 25 percent
  9. The Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee: 24 percent
  10. Glacier National Park, Montana: 23 percent
  11. Cape Cod, Massachusetts: 22 percent
  12. Nashville, Tennessee: 22 percent
  13. French Quarter/New Orleans, Louisiana: 21 percent
  14. Zion National Park, Utah: 21 percent
  15. Monument Valley, Utah and Arizona: 21 percent
  16. Mount Rainier National Park, Washington: 21 percent
  17. Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah: 20 percent
  18. Death Valley National Park, California: 20 percent
  19. Crater Lake, Oregon: 20 percent
  20. The Alamo, Texas: 19 percent
  21. Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado: 18 percent
  22. Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico: 18 percent
  23. Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky: 17 percent
  24. Black Hills, South Dakota: 16 percent
  25. White Sands National Park, New Mexico: 16 percent
  26. The Finger Lakes, New York: 15 percent
  27. Teddy Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota: 13 percent
  28. Rosewell, New Mexico: 13 percent
  29. Cadillac Ranch, Texas: 11 percent
  30. Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Kansas: 9 percent