US News

Michael Bloomberg’s entry cements Baby Boomer dominance of Democratic race

The next Democratic debate may have to be in a nursing home.

The entry of Michael Bloomberg into the 2020 Democratic primary fully cements the domination of septuagenarian candidates in the race.

Should his biblical wealth vault him to the front of the line, Bloomberg, 77, will face other frontrunners from the Baby Boomer or Silent Generation including Bernie Sanders, 78, Joe Biden, 76 and Elizabeth Warren, 70. President Trump is 73.

Gen X alternatives in the race, like Sen. Kamala Harris or Sen. Cory Booker, have failed to excite primary voters. Both are struggling to stay afloat.

But Bloomberg’s age is showing in his campaign.

The former New York City mayor was faced with his first fire just days into his bid, when an apparent troll beat his campaign to the punch and bought the website name

The troll quickly set up an online shop hawking $20.20 T-shirts with a garish logo and the slogan, “Owning it Together!”

“We’ve gotta do something to make sure we get somebody different in the White House and I’m committed to do that, this is about competence — or the lack of it,” the alleged Bloomberg site reads.

Bloomy’s rep quickly denounced the fake web site.

“No affiliation at all. We will be asking them to make clear they are completely unaffiliated,” longtime Bloomberg confidante Howard Wolfson said in one of more than a half-dozen tweets to big-name accounts who cited the website.

The site claims it was paid for by Bloomberg “supporters.”

There are no plans for an official Bloomberg website, or logo or slogan until the billionaire formally announces, a person familiar with the matter told The Post.

The snafu belies campaign plans for an “innovative digital operation,” to help get Bloomberg over the top.

Campaign experts say the creaky start is a worrying signal for the best campaign money can buy and suggests Bloomberg — who hasn’t run for an election to any office in a decade — may be severely out of practice.

“Bloomberg hasn’t run for an election where there has been any sort of digital components that are as big as they are now,” Evan Siegfried, a GOP strategist and president of Somm Consulting, told The Post. “Bloomberg ran for reelection in 2009 and digital didn’t really move the needle for him. So of course he is a candidate that hasn’t focused as much on it.”

“It sounds like based upon media reports right now all his campaign is, is a whole bunch of consultants,” he added, referring to Bloomberg’s famous coterie of advisers like Wolfson, Kevin Sheekey and Marc LaVorgna.

“You need more than consultants saying, ‘Hey do this, do that.’ You need people actually doing,” Siegfried said. 

While Bloomberg will likely use his considerable resources to pummel left wing candidates like Warren and Sanders — the pair both appear to be spoiling for a fight.

Warren has hit the billionaire on Twitter and in campaign emails, while Sanders has already incorporated Bloomberg into his stump speeches.

“What we need is a dynamic democracy—a democracy where all of us play a role in shaping public policy, not some billionaire who decides he wants to run for president of the United States because he’s a billionaire,” he told an audience at a climate change forum in Des Moines Saturday.

When asked about the fake web site snafu, the Bloomberg source directed The Post to Wolfson’s tweets.