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Mistress of Colorado dad accused of killing fiancée reveals her final words

The mistress of a Colorado dad accused of killing his fiancee detailed the woman’s grisly slaying — claiming her final words were “please stop,” according to a report.

Krystal Lee took the stand as the key witness against her former lover Patrick Frazee on Wednesday in Teller County court, where he’s on trial for fatally beating 29-year-old Kelsey Berreth on Thanksgiving Day in 2018, the Denver Channel reported.

 Krystal Jean Lee
Krystal Jean LeeAP

Although Berreth’s body was never found, Lee testified that 33-year-old Frazee admitted to bludgeoning Berreth with a baseball bat, the Colorado Springs Gazette reported.

Frazee opened up about the gruesome killing to Lee, recalling how Berreth’s last words were “please stop,” the newspaper reported.

“He just said he swung away, and that it was really hard,” Lee testified, adding that Frazee said after the bat “wasn’t humane. And that in the future, he’d stick to normal weapons … the old fashioned way.”

Lee — who entered a plea deal for evidence tampering in exchange for her testimony — claimed that Frazee asked her three times to kill Berreth, who was the mother of his young daughter.

He told Lee that Berreth was abusive to their daughter, Kaylee, and the girl was in “imminent” danger, the Denver Channel reported.

She testified that he asked her to kill Berreth with a poisoned cup of coffee. Then, he instructed her to kill Berreth with a metal rod before demanding on a final occasion that she use a baseball bat, she said.

“I said, ‘I can’t, I can’t do it,” Lee testified.

Then on Thanksgiving evening, Frazee contacted Lee and told her that he has a “mess to clean up,” the Gazette reported. She went over to Berreth’s apartment to find blood covering the floor, fireplace and couch.

Lee said she agreed to help scrub the home because she feared her life. She also worried that the blood-soaked scene would traumatize Berreth’s daughter, who was in the home when she was killed, the newspaper reported.

“Her mom and that little girl never needed to see what Patrick did to her,” Lee said. “And I didn’t know he was capable of that. I didn’t think he was capable of what happened.”

Frazee’s defense attorney questioned Lee’s credibility, claiming that she initially denied to the FBI that she knew the defendant.

“What they did not tell you is that Krystal did not go to police voluntarily. They had to track her down. … Before she says anything about this case, she cuts a deal, where she could spend zero days in jail,” attorney Ashley Porter told the court.

If convicted, Frazee faces life in prison without parole.

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