
Trump’s re-election support hits a high despite impeachment inquiry, poll shows

He’s Teflon Don.

President Trump’s outlook for reelection hasn’t taken a hit since the impeachment inquiry began and it’s even slightly improved, according to a new Monmouth University Poll out Wednesday.

Forty-two percent of registered voters say Trump should be reelected in 2020, the best response yet for the president since Monmouth started asking this question a year ago.

“It’s important not to read too much into differences within the margin of error,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute. “But the fact that there is no significant change in the current results suggests that the opening salvo of the House impeachment inquiry has had little impact on the overall 2020 dynamic.

“Voter opinion remains baked in,” he said.

The Monmouth poll also found that Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are perceived to be more electable now than they were in the summer. Warren is tied with Joe Biden (23 percent each) as the top choice among Democratic primary voters, while Sanders is in third at 20 percent.

And the vast majority of Democrats are happy with their field of candidates, a ding to any insurgent draft Hillary Clinton or draft Michael Bloomberg movements.

The percentage of voters saying Trump should get another term has hovered for months between 37-39 percent, until cracking 40 percent for the first time in this month. The majority of voters (55 percent) say it’s time for a new president, down from a high of 60 percent in May.

Trump is under fire in the House for asking President Volodymyr Zelensky on a July 25 phone call to investigate Democratic rival Joe Biden and his son.

US government officials have since stepped forward in the impeachment inquiry and testified that the Trump administration wanted Ukraine to announce the investigations in order to resume the $400 million in security aid that the US had paused.

Trump says he did nothing wrong and has blasted the impeachment process. All Republicans in the House sided with the president on Halloween and voted against the inquiry’s formal launch.

The poll was conducted by telephone from Oct. 30 to Nov. 3 with 908 adults in the US. The results have a plus or minus 3.4 percentage point sampling margin of error.