
Trump to kick off 100th Veterans Day parade in NYC on Monday

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President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump walk in the inaugural parade
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump walk in the inaugural paradeAP
2018 Veteran's Day Parade
Angel Chevrestt
Veterans Day Parade, wreaths
Gregory P. Mango
2018 Veteran's Day Parade
Angel Chevrestt

President Trump will be the first president to kick off New York City’s Veterans Day Parade, the White House announced Wednesday.

Trump will address the 100th Annual Opening Ceremony of the parade on Monday and then will lay a wreath at the Eternal Light Memorial at Madison Square Park.

As a private citizen, Trump stepped up to raise or donate large sums of money when the parade was struggling. The New York Times reported that in 1995 Trump agreed to give $200,000 and wanted to be named parade grand marshal in return, though it appears he never held that honor.

In 1985, Trump also made a $1 million donation to create a Vietnam Veterans Memorial at 55 Water St.

“The President has been great supporter of our veterans and indeed this parade here in New York City for more than 25 years,” said Bill White, 2019 Veteran’s Day Parade co-producer. “What he is doing now as president with regard to veterans choice, funding our military, and holding them and their families in the highest regard is truly extraordinary. He is loved by our veterans for sure.”

The 100th annual tribute parade is hosted by the United War Veterans Council. The president of the United States is traditionally invited to attend the annual event, but Trump is believed to be the only one to personally accept.

“This is a day when we put politics aside to focus on honoring our veterans, and to re-commit ourselves as a community to providing them with the services they have earned, the services they deserve and, for many, the services they were denied,” Doug McGowan, chairman of the United War Veterans Council Board, said. “We thank and commend President Trump for leading that effort on this Centennial, and we acknowledge his historic support for our activities here in New York City.”

Trump’s visit will be the first time in more than a decade a president spent Veterans Day in the Big Apple. In 2008, President Bush commemorated Veterans Day in New York City on the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. And in 2001 — two months after the 9/11 attacks — Bush spoke at a Veterans Day prayer breakfast in New York and attended a somber ceremony at Ground Zero.

But often presidents honor Veterans Day by laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.

Trump caught heat last year for staying in the White House and making calls on Veterans Day instead of heading to Arlington. “I should have done that,” Trump told Fox News Sunday in a moment of regret.

Trump spent his first Veterans Day as president overseas in Vietnam in 2017 where he met with veterans there.

President Bill Clinton went to Arlington Cemetery all eight years of his presidency. President Obama missed the wreath laying twice at Arlington for travel in South Korea and China over Veterans Day.

Trump recently bid adieu to New York City and named Mar-a-Lago his permanent residence. But the former New Yorker will stick around after the parade for a speech at the Economic Club on Tuesday.

Trump won’t be marching in the parade after his opening ceremony speech. But Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger will serve as honorary grand marshal and will lead a contingent of Marines up Fifth Avenue.

The five other grand marshals represent five generations of service from World War II to the Iraq war, including Herschel “Woody” Williams, who was awarded the Medal of Honor for his service in the Marine Corps in World War II.