US News

Jeffrey Epstein’s brother says he ‘might have been murdered’

Jeffrey Epstein’s brother lashed out Wednesday over “unexplained” details in the pedophile’s jail-cell hanging — insisting, “My brother might have been murdered.”

Mark Epstein, 65, told Fox News that New York authorities were “playing games” as he tried to uncover mysterious details that he believed could prove his brother did not hang himself in his Manhattan lockup.

Epstein hired famed pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, who has insisted three bone fractures in Jeffrey’s neck “points toward homicide rather than suicide.”

Now Mark Epstein says he is being blocked from getting further information over other mysterious injuries, including contusions on both wrists, a forearm abrasion and deep muscle hemorrhaging on the left shoulder.

“Those are unexplained,” Epstein told Fox News.

“Was he handcuffed and struggled? Was someone holding his wrists? The marks on his wrist are unexplained,” he insisted.

Epstein claims he first tried to get his brother’s complete file from the New York City Medical Examiner’s office on Aug. 16, less than a week after his brother was found hanged at the Metropolitan Correctional Center.

He told Fox that he was to told to instead contact the Department of Justice — with everyone giving him the runaround.

“They’re playing games,” Mark told Fox News.

“I’ve done the appropriate requests with Justice twice, and have heard nothing. I was told someone is looking into it.”

Epstein insisted his only interest was getting to the truth.

“I have no standing to sue,” he told Fox. “People should know the truth about what can happen in a federal facility.

“My brother might have been murdered. This is not about me.”

Baden, the former New York City chief medical examiner hired to observe the autopsy, says he is puzzled how the cause of death was changed from “pending further study” to “suicide by hanging” within five days given the unusual injuries.

“Ordinarily it takes weeks or months to determine a cause if it needs further investigation,” Baden told Fox.

“They felt like they had enough information to complete their investigation in five days. What was that additional information?”

He complained, “The brother requested this information three months ago and he still has not gotten it.”

A lawyer who met with Jeffrey Epstein in the lockup on Aug. 1 — after his supposed initial suicide attempt on July 23 — added to the mystery as he insisted the convicted sex fiend did not have the injuries then.

“After meeting with him, I came to the firm conclusion that it was not a suicide attempt,” criminal defense attorney David Schoen told Fox.

“He was afraid he would face consequences if he implicated anyone while he was there, so he kept his mouth shut and told investigators he couldn’t remember what happened. He was told they closed the case.”

A spokesperson for New York’s Office of Chief Medical Examiner told The Post that the latest request for the complete file was being processed.

“We fulfilled an initial records request, and are currently fulfilling a new request received in the last 72 hours,” the spokesperson said.