Reggie Jackson endorses Carlos Beltran for Mets managerial job

One October legend would like to see the Mets hire another for their vacant managerial job.

“Carlos Beltran is just a classy act, loves baseball, knows baseball, a good deep thinker and I think just the right mix with understanding analytics and how the game should be played,” Reggie Jackson told The Post on Wednesday.

“He is either going to manage now or a year or two from now. He is going to be selected because he is desirable. He is a desirable character and personality and person, and he was a great player.”

Beltran, who played for the Mets from 2005-11, is among the four remaining known candidates to replace Mickey Callaway. Third-round interviews that include owner Fred Wilpon are expected to conclude in the coming days, with the new manager to be unveiled as soon as Friday. Nationals first base coach Tim Bogar, ESPN analyst Eduardo Perez and Twins bench coach Derek Shelton are others under consideration.

Beltran has spent the last two seasons as a Yankees special assistant to general manager Brian Cashman, developing a close bond with the original Mr. October, Jackson, a long-time advisor in the organization. As a player Beltran carved his own October legacy with a 1.021 OPS in 65 career postseason games, which included winning the World Series with the Astros in 2017, his final year as a player.

“There is a certain etiquette that you learn from being around for 20 years in the major leagues like Carlos has,” Jackson said. “There is a right way to use the analytics and have them implemented into the game and I think he’s got that understanding. I think he’s got just enough old school and new school to understand it.

Reggie Jackson endorses Carlos Beltran to be the Mets manager.
Reggie Jackson, Carlos BeltranAP; N.Y .Post: Charles Wenzelberg

“Being around the Yankees, you have got a good combination as well: We’re pretty heavy on the analytics so I think he is well-set, well-prepared, has the right makeup and character, personality. Whether he takes the job I don’t know. I think he will if he’s offered it.”

Beltran has previously indicated he declined opportunities to interview for other managerial openings because he was focused on the Mets job.

As a first-time manager, Beltran would need to surround himself with a strong coaching staff, according to Jackson.

“[Beltran] would manage the people and manage the press and the pitching staff,” Jackson said. “That’s really what you need to do is manage the people and get along with the people in the front office to make sure you get everything out of everyone who is around that can give to you.”

Jackson, now 73, recalled first getting to know Beltran when he came to play for the Yankees in 2014.

“The first time I saw him come in our clubhouse, he was appreciative, he was grateful,” Jackson said. “The first thing he said to me was, ‘Reggie, I thank you and the players of your era for making it possible for me to earn the money I made in the game.’ That was the first thing he ever said to me, and since he’s been with the Yankees I’ve always thought the utmost of him. He is like family to me.”

Jackson, who spent most of his career on winning teams, said ultimately it’s those above the new manager who will determine if the organization can succeed.

“The most important person in a baseball team is the owner,” Jackson said. “The owner has to be able to select the right people to lead the charge and when teams don’t win they don’t have the right people, and it starts at the top.

“The Steinbrenners have been all about winning. George didn’t have much fiscal planning, but he was going to win. He decided to win and his son Hal is now creating a winner. They don’t do nearly as much for themselves or the family as they try to do for the team. Winning is an extremely high priority for the Steinbrenners.”