Jennifer Aniston is ‘working on something’ with ‘Friends’ cast

Could this be any more exciting?

Jennifer Aniston made her Instagram debut posing alongside her “Friends” co-stars in a selfie — but the photo may not be the last time we see the group together.

The 50-year-old revealed on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” Monday that the six actors are “working on something” — but don’t expect “Friends” the sequel.

When asked by DeGeneres if there will be a reboot of the show, Aniston said no, but then held up a finger and teased a mysterious project.

“We would love for there to be something, but we don’t know what that something is,” she said, according to Deadline. “So we’re just trying. We’re working on something.”

DeGeneres and fellow show guest Charlie Puth asked if it would be a movie. Aniston stammered and responded, “We don’t know yet.”

“I don’t want to lead people on,” she added.

The trio discussed Aniston’s “Friends” selfie, which broke Instagram as well as a Guinness World Record, and DeGeneres joked that the photo makes it seem like a reboot is happening.

“We did that because we miss each other and we all happened to be in the same part of the world,” Aniston said.

“Sounds to me like there’s something in the works,” Puth joked.

“Right. Nobody falls for that, Jen,” DeGeneres quipped. “Nobody’s like, ‘Well let’s all get together ‘cause we haven’t seen each other.’ ”

Aniston said the group does get together on occasion, but didn’t elaborate further.

Earlier this month, Aniston said on “The Howard Stern Show” that while she misses the show, she thinks a remake would ruin the original.

“I honestly think we would love it,” she said. “There’s an idea that if there’s a reboot of the show, it won’t even be close to as good as what it was, so why do it? It would ruin it.”

“Friends” creators also ruled out possibilities of a reunion show or reboot in September during a panel for the 25th anniversary of the show, Variety reported.