
NYPD beefs up security for Yom Kippur after Post report

The NYPD will station 130 cops at city synagogues and 25 additional police cars in predominately Jewish neighborhoods for Yom Kippur, police said Tuesday.

“There’s been some overtime put out, we’re figuring a good 20-25 additional cars working in those areas, working around the synagogues, all night with their turret lights on,” NYPD Chief Terence Monahan said at a Queens press conference on crime statistics.

“Our neighborhood coordination officers, in our steady sectors have been tasked to go and visit every one of their synagogues that are having services within their sector today. So we’re going to have a very large presence out in Brooklyn and throughout the city tonight through Yom Kippur,” Monahan vowed.

The holy day runs runs sundown Tuesday to sundown Wednesday.

The added security comes after The Post reported that Jewish leaders said there wasn’t a big enough police presence in their communities for Rosh Hashanah last week amid a 53-percent increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes this year compared to last.

NYPD Chief of Detectives Dermot Shea said that cops are investigating a pattern of anti-Semitic attacks in Brooklyn last week involving female suspects.

On Rosh Hashanah a woman was caught on camera in broad daylight tossing a milk crate through the window of a Williamsburg synagogue. Then there were three attacks by women in a neighboring police precinct in Bedford-Stuyvesant. Those incidents involved the female perpetrators yanking the wigs off Orthodox Jewish women and hitting children’s hair.

“So you have, in close proximity there the incident at the synagogue, you have these three incidents that I’m talking about, female’s the common denominator in them, and they’re actively being worked on by our hate crimes task force,” Shea said.