Viral Trends

Viral beer money guy Carson King raises nearly $3 million

This round is definitely on him.

The thirsty Iowa football fan who held up a sign on national TV begging for beer money has ended his viral fundraising drive — raising almost $3 million for a children’s hospital.

“I’m honestly at a loss for words,” Carson King, 24, tweeted late Tuesday as he closed his Venmo account after raising $2,959,330.

“These last two weeks gave changed my life,” he added in a statement, thanking the “tidal wave of support” while encouraging supporters to still donate to the hospital.

King became a viral sensation on Sept. 14 after holding up a sign in front of ESPN’s camera saying, “Busch Light Supply Needs Replenished” along with his Venmo details.

Overwhelmed when $1,600 poured in, King announced any donations would go to the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital, with Venmo and Busch matching all proceeds.

He’d expected to raise nothing more than a laugh — but ended up with almost $3 million.

Carson King with Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds
Carson King with Iowa Gov. Kim ReynoldsAP

His campaign became such a hit, he was even honored with an official “Carson King Day” in his home state — and an “Iowa Legend” beer produced in his honor.

“This hasn’t really soaked in,” King said as he announced his total on KXNO on Tuesday.

“People are awesome,” he said, noting how so many were quick to be “so kind and generous and willing to get behind something good.”

He said he now plans to open a foundation to make fundraising a career.

“I found a passion here,” he said.