
Kosovo pol brands himself Trump’s biggest fan to try to win election

A Kosovo politician who once met President Trump is now trying to parlay the photo op into an election victory for himself.

Kadri Veseli, a candidate for prime minister in the tiny Balkan state, took a photo with Trump at a Washington, DC, event in 2017 — and is  plastering the image up all over the capital of Prishtina in the hopes it’ll help him cinch the election.

“Unlike my rivals, I am the only candidate running on promoting a strong and public partnership with the USA and the Trump White House,” Veseli said in a statement to The Post.

A large billboard with the nearly 3-year-old photo — showing the suited-up pols grinning next to each other in front of their respective countries’ flags — went up Monday, sources said.

The same image was also recently draped down three stories of an apartment building in Prishtina.

Both the billboard and poster include a banner for Veseli’s conservative Democratic Party of Kosovo.

Veseli met Trump at the 2017 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC. At the event, Trump “immediately recognized … concern for Kosovo and our region as a whole,” Veseli said.

Kosovo — which declared independence from Serbia in 2008 — is recognized as a nation by more than 100 countries, including the US, but Serbia and five European Union nations still refuse to acknowledge it.

Kosovo prime minister candidate Kadri Veseli with President Trump put on apartment building. Can credit the Democratic Party of Kosovo, that’s Candidate Kari Veseli’s Party.
Democratic Party of Kosovo

“The people of Kosovo understand that a strong America will help Kosovo become stronger, too,” Veseli said.

Veseli, who is Kosovo’s parliamentary speaker and the leader of his party, has been branding himself as Trump’s biggest fan on the campaign trail.

“My platform against corruption and nepotism has a lot in common with the platform that the United States of America and President Trump have in the global war against corruption,” Veseli said during a campaign event Sunday in the city of Lipjan.

Veseli is also one of the founders and leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army and chief of the Kosovo Intelligence Service.

His main opponent, Vjosa Osmani, is the first woman running for prime minister in Kosovo and is aligned with the more liberal Democratic League party.

Osmani also has ties to the US, having graduated from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.

The election is Oct. 6.

Additional reporting by Tamar Lapin