US News

Florida church buys strip club for growing congregation

Have mercy!

A Florida church that has grown too large for its amenities at a local high school is buying a large strip club where they can house their growing congregation, a report said.

The pastor of NewSound Church in West Palm Beach told a local CBS affiliate that he’s happy to buy the jiggle joint Double Dee’s Ranch in the city because it holds up to 700 people.

“The people that call NewSound Church home are overwhelmingly excited about the idea to take a space like this and see God do something amazing in it,” Pastor Josh Mauney said.

The church has a congregation of about 1,000 people, he told the station.

“I don’t mind being in a building that was a strip club any more than I mind somebody walking in our doors that had at one time in their life been a stripper,” he said.

“We believe we can bring hope and healing to any location, that’s what we’re trying to do.”

Mauney told the station that his congregation has been renting out Wellington High School.

In order to do so, parishioners have been lugging trailers worth of lights and sound equipment into the school and then packing it back up every Sunday.