
Asics store’s TV screen gets hacked, plays porn for 9 hours

Guess that’s why they call it Down Under.

A New Zealand sports store screened porn on large outdoor TV screens in the country’s busiest shopping area for nine hours before staff realized it was playing, according to a report.

The X-rated material played on a large screen above the Asics store in central Auckland from 1 a.m. Sunday — only getting turned off when staff arrived to open up at 10 a.m., according to the New Zealand Herald.

“Some people were shocked, but others just stopped and watched,” local security officer Dwayne Hinango told the paper, with kids among the passersby seeing the crude display.

The Asics store’s manager blamed hackers, telling the Herald he was “100 percent sure” a rogue staff member was not to blame.

“Head office and our IT team have begun a full investigation into what happened and who uploaded the page,” said the manager, who only gave his first name, John. “Screens were immediately turned off to the units … when they turned up for work on Sunday.

“Clearly this is an embarrassing situation, and Asics has apologized through our website and also by email to our customer database.”

The company’s head office also blamed a “cyber-security breach” and said police and New Zealand’s internet body Netsafe had been alerted.

“We would like to apologize to anyone who may have seen this,” the company said in a message on Facebook. “We are working with our software and online security suppliers to ensure this doesn’t happen again.”