
Trump: Swing-district Democrats will lose if they impeach me

​President Trump on Sunday warned Democrats who are running in districts that he won in 2016 that they will be defeated if they back impeachment against him.

“Will happen to all of those seeking unlawful impeachment in 50 Trump type Districts. We will win big!,” Trump wrote on Twitter, linking to a ​Friday ​posting from Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

McDaniel’s tweet ​promoted an ad Republicans are running against Democrats in what she called an “all-out fight to defend our democracy & our president.”

“Voters don’t support this impeachment charade & it’s going to backfire come 2020!” McDaniel said in her tweet.

​The ad targeted a number of Democrats, including Rep. Max Rose of Staten Island, who has yet to back the impeachment inquiry and showed images of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Rose, who won his congressional seat in 2018 by flipping a district Trump won by 10 percentage points, responded via Twitter to McDaniel’s posting.

“@realDonaldTrump you’re being accused of abusing your power yet you’re acting like a clown. Unlike you & your bone spurs I served in uniform,” Rose​, who served in the Army in Afghanistan, wrote.

“If someone is accused of putting our country at risk I’m going to get the bottom of it. But go on keep tweeting instead of doing your job​.”​

Pelosi announced last Tuesday that she was launching an impeachment inquiry in the House against Trump.

In the following days the White House released a rough transcript of a call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that showed Trump asking him to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

A whistleblower’s report, citing the phone call, was also released.

Trump has downplayed the call, saying he was just trying to root out corruption in Ukraine.