
Stephen Miller calls whistleblower complaint a ‘little Nancy Drew novel’

White House aide Stephen Miller on Sunday dismissed a whistleblower report that claimed President Trump tried to enlist the help of Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate a Democratic political rival as a “little Nancy Drew novel.”

Miller was asked on “Fox News Sunday” about acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire’s testimony to the House last Thursday when he said the whistleblower acted in “good faith.”

“If you read the seven-page little Nancy Drew novel that the ​whistleblower put together, it​ ​drips with condescension, righteous indignation and contempt for the president​,” Miller told host Chris Wallace.

​Wallace told Miller that the inspector general of the intelligence community considered the complaint a ​matter of “urgent concern.”

​Miller questioned the whistleblower’s motivation.

​”I know what the ​Deep ​State looks like​.​ ​I know the differ​e​nce between a whistleblo​w​er and a ​Deep​-State operative. ​T​his is a ​D​eep ​S​tate operative pure and simple​,” Miller said​.

​He also noted that inspector general Michael Atkinson ​“found evidence of political bias” ​by the whistleblower, claiming the complaint was a “partisan hit job” against the president.

​​“The president of the United States is the whistleblower and this individual is a saboteur trying to undermine a democratically elected government,” Miller said​.

The complaint claimed that Trump reached out to Zelensky in a July 25 phone call to push him into launching an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

​Trump has denied he pressured Zelensky. ​