US News

Bear with expensive taste only eats Pinot Noir grapes at California vineyard

He’s no bar-bear-ian.

A black bear with a discerning palate was caught on camera munching on grapes in a California vineyard — but only picking out those used for Pinot Noir, according to a report.

Video shows the refined mammal stomping around Navarro Vineyards in Philo, Calif., and stopping to pick at the Pinot Noir vines — ignoring the eight other grape varieties grown at the winery.

“He will go for the premium fruit,” Aaron Bennett, co-owner of the family business told the Los Angeles Times.

The booze-loving beast has been using the vineyard as his personal snack bar for years, but the business only recently caught the fiend in the act on security footage.

“Navarro’s taste-tester is back to ‘get it when the gettin’ is good,’ ” the business posted on Facebook last week, along with security footage of the bear. “We’ll be ready to harvest these grapes in the next few weeks, so hopefully this big guy leaves some for us.”

The bear may be drawn to the specific grapes because they are grown in a remote part of the vineyard. Or maybe he just has good taste, Bennett said.

The winery’s Pinot Noir is its priciest, at $35 a pop.

“I’m glad he likes the most expensive wine we grow, but it’s a drop in the bucket for us,” Bennet said. “We’re glad to have him around.”