John Crudele

John Crudele


‘Mystery’ New York state DMV fees, explained

Dear John: I’ve worked for the Department of Motor Vehicles for 30 years. In regards to the Sept. 21 article on DMV charges, the extra $70 in fees breaks down as follows: the MCTD (mass commuter transit district) fee is charged to counties that have a commuter train from New York City.

It is charged to passenger and commercial vehicles at a rate of $25 a year. So two years is $50.

The other $20 is a county use tax. Each county decides whether to charge this fee. This person who wrote to you must live in Dutchess County or south. Also, people who live in these areas of MCTD have an extra $16 added to their licenses.

There is a formula that figures the weight fees. There are different fees for passenger vehicles (unladen weight). Commercial is cheaper, but you must add weight for what you are hauling in the bed of the vehicle (gross weight). Motorcycles are a flat fee.

Hope this helps. Anonymous

Dear Anonymous: I think I’m joined by many others when I say: huh!? But not only did you explain (I think) DMV fees in New York state, I think you also answered the much larger question concerning why people are getting the hell out of here. Thanks for the laugh.