Jonathon Trugman

Jonathon Trugman


How college kids can prepare themselves for the job market

Hey, college kids, whether you’re a freshman or a returning junior, the first few weeks of festivities are now over. It’s time to focus on why you’re in school in the first place: to get a job.

You’re at college to make yourself as qualified as possible for your future, so pick your major wisely. There is great demand in numerous fields, and weak demand in many others.

And while the economy is very good, it’s still hard to find entry-level jobs right out of school.

Andrea Colabella, co-founder of the Cardea Group, a Manhattan-based recruitment firm focusing on alternative asset management, advises, “So much has changed through technology, and we only expect that to continue to happen. Pick a major that has some exposure to a growth area — engineering, computer science, law, etc.”

Computer and software engineering are in very high demand. Big data means big bucks. Nursing and health tech both pay very well.

Want to study a language? Forget Latin, study computer language. Very few people in the workforce know how to write even simple code.

Being proficient in Python, Java, C++ and other languages will get you not only a job, but a good paycheck, too.

Even if you go for finance or marketing, you’d better learn how to code and create data analytics, or it will be rough out there.

Being proficient in Python, Java, C++ and other languages will get you not only a job, but a good paycheck, too.

Technology in general is becoming more integral every day at every company, large and small. You’d better get tech-savvy at a relatively advanced level to compete in today’s workforce.

Make it a point early on to get involved with the college’s career development center. The first semester of your freshman year is not too soon.

A part-time job on or off campus is a good idea. Even if it doesn’t pay, it will pay off. Consider becoming a teacher’s assistant or research assistant — professors generally go out of their way to help, and the experience looks great on a résumé.

And internships are greatly beneficial. The contacts they create can serve you well.

Be creative in following your passions. Every field can be improved upon, so don’t be afraid to differentiate yourself by doing your own research in your field of interest.

Also, learn to think critically. That is one of the the most sought-after skill sets out there.

Bottom line: Find something you believe in that you love to do, and work hard at it. GPAs matter much more today than in the past.

As the old saying goes, “The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.” Embrace it and you’ll do just fine.