
Howard Rubin sued again by another alleged sex abuse victim

Another victim has filed a lawsuit against former Soros Fund Portfolio manager Howard Rubin for sexually abusing her and then later threatening to discredit her as a prostitute if she sued him, a new civil case alleges.

The woman — who filed suit under the pseudonym Rachel Thomas — says she went to what her friend told her would be “a ‘Playboy’-type apartment” that turned out to be Rubin’s home.

When she arrived model and blogger Ashley Duduk befriended her, plied her with drugs and alcohol before making her sign a non-disclosure agreement, the new Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit alleges.

“Duduk continued to sedate Thomas past the ability to consent with cocaine and alcohol in the bathroom before complimenting Thomas’s appearance, and, in furtherance of her plan to sexually assault Thomas,” the court papers allege.

Duduk — who professionally goes by the name Ashley Alexa — then offered Thomas $5,000 to have a threesome with her and Rubin adding that Rubin didn’t have to have sex with her, the court documents charge.

Thomas was then lured into Rubin’s notorious sex dungeon — that had a wall lined with sex objects — where Duduk tied Thomas’ arms to what looked like a swing set, according to the suit.

Rubin — whose high-risk investments under billionaire George Soros were featured in the best-selling books “Liar’s Poker” and “The Big Short” — told Duduk to use the objects on Thomas before he “choked Thomas and smacked Thomas’s breasts repeatedly,” causing bleeding and bruising, the court papers say.

Then both Rubin and Duduk penetrated her vaginally and anally “with multiple foreign objects,” the court papers charge.

“Thomas screamed, cried, demanded that Rubin and Duduk stop their brutal assault, and attempted to escape,” to which Duduk tried to soothe her saying “it will be over soon,” the court papers say.

Rubin relented when he got “frustrated” by Thomas struggling to break free. When he left, Duduk paid Thomas $3,000 cash and told her not to report the incident, the court documents claim.

Then in January, when Rubin caught wind Thomas was looking to file suit he allegedly sent her a letter saying, “The evidence that you consented to our S&M encounter is overwhelming, and you have no chance of obtaining a judgement against me.

“I will testify publicly that you are a professional prostitute who agreed to have S&M sex with me for $5,000,” read the letter attached as an exhibit in the suit.

“Mr. Rubin vehemently denies the allegations of misconduct,” his lawyer Edward McDonald told The Post. “The plaintiff’s claims are baseless, outright lies, and a shameful grab for money. Mr. Rubin will vigorously contest this suit and we will clear his name.”

Duduk hung up the phone when asked for comment and she did not immediately return a subsequent voicemail message.

“Despite his money and power, Howard Rubin must still answer for his years of violence against women,” said Thomas’ lawyer, John Balestriere.

Another woman sued Rubin in January 2018 claiming he raped her in his sex dungeon and ignored safe-word “pineapples” that they had agreed upon. He denied the allegations in that case, which is still pending in Manhattan Supreme Court.

A Brooklyn federal lawsuit is pending against Rubin filed by six women who similarly accuse him of sexually assaulting and raping them.