
Whistleblower complaint turned over to select members of Congress

The whistleblower complaint at the center of the latest standoff between President Trump and Beltway Democrats has been delivered to select members of Congress.

Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by Sen. Richard Burr (R-North Carolina) will now review the confidential tip, though it’s not immediately clear how extensively the version they received is redacted.

The complaint had been in the hands of Joseph Maguire, the acting director of National Intelligence, who is set to testify Thursday on Capitol Hill.

The whistleblower, a US intelligence official, came forward last week to express concerns over a July phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in which, it’s claimed, Trump offered a quid pro quo.

The insider’s interpretation was that Trump suggested he would hold hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid over the head of Ukraine unless it agreed to probe allegations that former Vice President Joe Biden improperly exerted his influence to help his son Hunter over his ties to a Ukrainian natural gas company rife with corruption.

In denying any impropriety, the White House on Wednesday released a summary of the 30-minute phone conversation between Trump and Zelensky.

The document’s release came one day after Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi launched an “official impeachment inquiry” into the president.