
Trump-Ukraine story is what you get when the media imagines the facts

The now-released transcript of President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s prez, Volodymyr Zelensky, shows just why Americans have so little faith in the news media.

Turns out, the document shows none of the Trump abuses suggested in press accounts over the past few days — distortions that have already triggered Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “official impeachment inquiry.”

Reports claimed Trump made a “promise” to “a foreign leader that was so disturbing it prompted the filing of a formal complaint,” as Vanity Fair reported.

“Donald Trump’s ‘Promise’ to a Foreign Leader Is More Than Just Troubling,” warned Esquire. The Washington Post suggested the leader might have been Russia’s Vladimir Putin or North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.

Later stories accused Trump of abusing his powers by offering Zelensky a quid pro quo: If Ukraine probed Democratic wannabe Joe Biden and his son Hunter, Trump would send it nearly $400 million in aid.

True, in the call, Trump asks Zelensky to “look into” why a Ukrainian prosecutor probing a company that employed Biden’s son was fired, especially since Biden, as Trump put it, “went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution.”

He did: “If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Joe Biden said he threatened Ukraine officials in 2016; “Son of a bitch. He got fired.” (Quid pro quo?)

Yet in the call, Trump offers no deal, nor mentions US aid (which was released soon after, in any case), nor “promises” anything.

The transcript does show that Trump still doesn’t realize that his job is different than being a pundit. It’s not impeachable, but he shouldn’t be encouraging foreign leaders to pursue cases that help him. Just bring it up at your rallies, Mr. President.

But that’s far different from the out-of-control prez painted by the media in stories that relied on leaks and third- or fourth-party accounts — not even hearsay, but gossip. Another key until-now-missing bit of key information: The intel community inspector general reportedly found that the whistleblower showed signs of “political bias” in favor of “a rival candidate.”

This isn’t the end; Central players have yet to speak publicly. (Acting intel boss Joseph Maguire is to testify Thursday.) And news reports say the whistleblower complaint involves “multiple instances,” not just one call.

Evidence may yet emerge of Trump wrongdoing. But so far it’s the press that comes off the worst.