
Senate votes again to block emergency funding for Trump’s border wall

The Senate on Wednesday passed a measure that blocks President Trump from using emergency powers to raid the budget for military construction projects to pay for his long-promised border wall.

Eleven Republicans voted to rebuke the president on a 54-41 vote, including Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Roy Blunt of Missouri, Susan Collins of Maine, Mike Lee of Utah, Jerry Moran of Kansas, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska), Rand Paul of Kentucky, Rob Portman of Ohio, Mitt Romney of Utah), Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and Roger Wicker of Mississippi, The Hill reported.

The Democrat-controlled House is likely to pass the measure, but it’s sure to be vetoed by Trump. He vetoed the same measure in March and has said he’ll veto this one as well.

Wednesday’s vote followed the recent release by the administration of a list of 127 military construction projects — including schools and repairs to hurricane-damaged facilities — totaling $3.6 billion that will be canceled in order to pay for the border wall.

Democrats opposed to Trump’s moves didn’t pick up any additional GOP supporters this time.

Team Trump has replaced about 60 miles of old fencing with new, harder-to-breach fencing, but no new fencing has been built as of last month, according to Homeland Security officials.