US News

Russian woman faces trial for stabbing her sister 189 times and gouging her eyes out

A drug-addled Russian woman allegedly stabbed her teen model sister 189 times, gouged her eyes out and sliced off her ears in a horrific fit of jealousy, according to a report.

Stefania Dubrovina
Stefania Dubrovinaeast2west news

Elizaveta Dubrovina, 22, was sent for psychiatric treatment after the brutal 2016 crime in St. Petersburg, where her 17-year-old sister Stefania’s mutilated and naked body was found, according to The Sun.

Dubrovina has now been found fit to stand trial and faces 25 years behind bars if convicted.

She hated her sister so much that she “caused her to endure excruciating pain” by hacking her in the head, torso, arms and legs, according to court documents cited by the news outlet.

The woman, who vehemently denies the charges, will reportedly blame Stefania’s alleged lover, Alexey Fateev, 44, in whose apartment the victim died.

But prosecutors insist that Fateev is a witness and is not considered a suspect.

He told authorities he found Stefania’s body when he returned home after buying wine — and said he detained Elizaveta to stop her escaping before calling the cops.

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Stefania (left) and Elizaveta Dubrovinaeast2west news
Stefania (right) and Elizaveta Dubrovina
Stefania (right) and Elizaveta Dubrovinaeast2west news

The Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, citing law enforcement sources, reported at the time of the killing that Stefania’s body was “almost ruined by cutting performed by the girl’s elder sister.”

She had posed for nude photographs shortly before her grisly death, but her friends have denied that she had appeared in porn movies.

Elizaveta Dubrovina
Elizaveta Dubrovinaeast2west news

The sisters’ mother, Oksana Dubrovina, told the paper that Elizaveta has recovered her memory of events and that her daughter claimed that Fateev acted like a “demon.”

The mom alleged that Stefania and Fateev were lovers and that he was jealous over the nude images.

“To put it mildly, Stefania was not loyal to him,” she added.

A St. Petersburg showman insisted that rumors that Stefania worked as an escort girl were untrue.

“Stefania was never involved in it. She was not filmed in porn film either. She simply tried to boost her career in modeling,” said Stas Baretsky, 45.

“I had known Stefania for about two years,” he added. “She was a modest and attractive girl, she took part in my shows.”

The sisters’ aunt Ekaterina Dubrovina said Stefania’s death was a “shocking tragedy.”

“My blood turns to ice,” she said.

Stefania Dubrovina
Stefania Dubrovinaeast2west news