Sex & Relationships

A surprisingly large number of people have ended a relationship over chores

A third of Americans have ended a relationship over cleaning and chore responsibilities, according to new research.

And the survey of 2,000 people who live with a partner, roommate or family member found that seven in 10 would refuse to date or marry someone who was messy.

How do Americans divide up their chores?

Results also revealed that almost half of respondents admitted to getting frustrated over the lack of contributions from their fellow living companions.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Durgol, the survey examined the division of chores between respondents and those they live with.

Forty-two percent said they share the chore responsibilities in the home, but that doesn’t mean it always works out as it should.

Messiness definitely gets to people, seeing as the average respondent recleans two items a week that someone else tidied first.

Sometimes that cleaning frustration spills over into fights. Sixty-seven percent admitted to getting in an argument about chores —and the average respondent bickers about cleanliness just over three times a week.

There’s all sorts of little things that can under people’s skin, but 45 percent named leaving dishes in the sink as the number one pesky, messy culprit.

Other common annoyances included: leaving the toilet seat up (38 percent), leaving cabinet drawers ajar (37 percent), forgetting to completely close the fridge (29 percent) and leaving caps off items in the fridge (27 percent).

Leaving cups and dishes around the home (26 percent), forgetting to turn off the lights (25 percent), not closing chip bags (25 percent), overloading the garbage can (25 percent) and playing loud music (25 percent) rounded out the top 10 irritants.

“Who does what and who does more are common concerns about household chores. That’s why I recommend using the right products and doing it right the first time,” Bernard Schnacke, Durgol distributor and coffee expert said.

“It simplifies cleaning and reduces stress.”

But there’s another cleaning blind spot in people’s homes: the coffee machine.

Forty-three percent said they clean their machine inside and out once a week, but not everyone has the same definition of what it means to keep the brewer clean.

Over three in five consider running through the machine’s cycle once with just water to be enough to keep things tidy, while 57 percent run it through with soap and water.

Fifty-two kick it up a notch and send vinegar for a run through their machine before considering it a job well done. Less than half (47 percent) actually use a coffee machine cleaner.

“Father always told me, ‘take care of your stuff and it takes care of you,’” Schnacke added.

“When you keep your coffee machines clean and clear of de-scale, they’ll last longer and perform better.”