US News

Motive in Virginia Beach workplace massacre remains a mystery

Investigators still do not have a motive for the Virginia Beach workplace shooting that left 12 dead and four injured at a municipal building in May, local police said Tuesday.

Police in the city released new information about the mass killing, saying at a briefing that they are still trying to determine why city employee DeWayne Craddock unleashed hell in the building on May 31.

“We’re still looking to determine motive,” Deputy Chief Patrick Gallagher said at the briefing, the Virginia Pilot reported.

“We will try to continue to identify why he did what he did. He shot people he knew and he shot people he didn’t know.”

Craddock, armed with two handguns and extended clips, went floor by floor killing people at random in the government building before he was gunned down by responding officers.

Craddock fatally shot 12 people and wounded another four in the rampage.

Police said Tuesday Craddock had no social media accounts, no manifesto and no other documentation that would reveal anything about his motive, according to the report.

He resigned from his post as a public utilities employee the morning of the shooting, according to the Pilot, writing to his boss in an email: “It has been a pleasure to serve the City, but due to personal reasons I must relieve my position.”