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Washington Post mocked for comparing Elizabeth Warren selfies to Frederick Douglass photos

Social media pundits scorched The Washington Post for a piece comparing Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s selfies to Frederick Douglass’ stately portraits.

Warren’s penchant for posing for thousands of photographs with fans around the country had “smashed stereotypes” in a similar way to Douglass during the 19th century, the paper claimed.

“Have to say that this is totally nuts,” said Bridget Read, a writer for The Cut. 

“Remember, the idea there is a bias in our media is a pernicious falsehood. Also, Elizabeth Warren = Frederick Douglass because they are both in photographs,” snarked David Rutz, managing editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

“Douglass sat for scores of pictures to normalize the idea of black excellence and equality, and Warren’s thousands of selfies with supporters could do the same for a female president,” the paper wrote.

The article was typical of a media class already in the tank for Warren, Jordan Chariton, formerly of The Young Turks, wrote.

“Just when you think @washingtonpost can’t get anymore absurd in their campaign to prop up @ewarren (and defeat @BernieSanders), they are now comparing Warren taking selfies with people to……Frederick Douglass,” he tweeted.