US News

Over 50 US mayors endorse Pete Buttigeig for president

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Austin Mayor Steve Adler who helped announce the “Mayors for Pete” coalition to elect the South Bend mayor.
Austin Mayor Steve Adler who helped announce the "Mayors for Pete" coalition to elect the South Bend mayor.Getty Images
Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky, who helped announce the “Mayors for Pete” coalition to elect the South Bend mayor.
Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky, who helped announce the "Mayors for Pete" coalition to elect the South Bend mayor.EPA

More than 50 mayors from across America on Wednesday endorsed Pete Buttigeig for president, calling the young Indiana leader “a role model” for other mayors.

“As we face unprecedented challenges, America needs leadership in Washington that gets things done. That’s why we need a great mayor in the White House,” the mayors said in choosing Buttigieg instead of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

In an op-ed in USA Today, the leaders from cities around the country announced a “Mayors for Pete” coalition to elect the South Bend mayor. They include Austin, Texas, Mayor Steve Adler, Parkland, Fla., Mayor Christine Hunschofsky and New Rochelle, NY, Mayor Noam Bramson.

“Mayor Pete has become a role model — and in some cases, a mentor — to mayors like us,” the mayors wrote.

Buttigieg, 37, has seen a slight uptick in his national polling in recent weeks and sits just under 6 percent, according to the Real Clear Politics average of polls. He’s a combat veteran, Harvard graduate and a Rhodes scholar.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Kamala Harris are front-runners in the national polls. De Blasio is at 0.3 percent.