
Obama says presidents should avoid social media in apparent jab at Trump

Former President Barack Obama appeared to take a rare shot at his White House successor on Wednesday, advising against “watching TV or reading social media” when running the country, according to reports.

Obama made the remarks at the private event in San Francisco for data company Splunk. The 44th president was addressing how he handled the information overload that came with the job, according to The Guardian.

“The other thing that’s helpful is not watching TV or reading social media,” Obama told the audience.

“Those are the two things I’d advise, if you’re president, not to do.”

Obama did lend some insight into his method for dissecting details.

“The presidency is like drinking out of a firehose — you can’t absorb that information yourself,” he said.

“You can make sure you have a team that is distilling info as effectively as possible so you can get a basic framework for what the problem is.”

The former president didn’t directly refer to President Donald Trump during the one-hour chat, according to The Washington Post.

But Trump is known for his frequent tweetstorms — along with an affinity for cable TV news.

Trump has over 64 million followers on Twitter. He’s tweeted over 44,000 times, but that includes posts from before he took office.

Obama touched on some policy issues at the event, including climate change and income inequality, but for the most part kept politics aside, according to the Washington Post.