US News

Mountain lion locks itself in bathroom of California home

He just needed a bathroom break.

A mountain lion hot on the tail of a house cat took a detour into an elderly California couple’s home this week and somehow locked itself in the bathroom.

Edward Suddith, 84, and his wife, Kathy, 87, were lounging in their Sonora home Sunday night when the big cat sauntered in through the open front door, local station FOX 40 reported.

“We were just watching television and then all of a sudden, we heard a big bang,” Edward told the outlet.

He believed the animal was after his neighbor’s cat — which managed to avoid harm — but the bigger kitty found itself in the middle of their living room, he said.

“We thought it was a dog,” Kathy told the station. “His tail was pretty close to me so I just ‘thwipped’ it a little bit like that.”

That was enough to send the big cat running to the bathroom, where it managed to lock itself inside, according to the report.

So the couple barricaded themselves in another room and called the police.

“911 had a hard time understanding what I was talking about because I probably was jabbering a lot,” Edward told the station.

Tuolumne County deputies, along with Department of Fish and Wildlife officials, broke the bathroom window and managed to coax the animal out, officials said.

“He did not threaten the resident or steal anything,” the sheriff’s office joked in a Facebook post. “He did get a stern warning about the break-in before being released.”

There have been no reported sightings of the mountain lion since Sunday, but one neighbor told the station she believes she heard it 30 hours after the ordeal. She believes it was on the hunt for her cat.

The Sudduths said they learned a lesson from their uninvited guest.

“Won’t leave the door open anymore,” Edward told the local station.