
Cuomo signs law making it easier to prosecute rape cases

Joined by Academy Award-winning actresses Mira Sorvino and Julianne Moore, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a new law Wednesday that extends the time period to bring criminal and civil cases for rape and other sex crimes.

Prosecutions could be brought for rape and sex crimes in the second degree within 20 years instead of the current five years, and for rape and sex crimes in the third degree within ten years instead of five years.

Also, victims could bring civil cases within 20 years instead of the current five years. The law, which goes into effect immediately, also eliminates the statute of limitations for incest in the first degree.

These second- and third-degree rape crimes typically include having intercourse with a minor or those incapable of consenting to having sex because of a mental disability.

Cuomo was joined by Sorvino, Moore and other Time’s Up activists who’ve pushed for laws to make it easier for rape victims to report and seek justice from their abusers.

In June, Sorvino revealed during a riveting Albany press conference with the governor, that she had been a victim of date rape.

“This is the will of the people. There is a hunger out there for justice, and we are here to tell all of you who feel that hunger that we are getting closer to that day when predators will not abuse unabated in an atmosphere of impunity. That survivors will be believed and supported,” the “Mighty Aphrodite” star said at the bill signing ceremony in the governor’s Manhattan office.

“These sexual crimes are indiscriminate; they will be perpetrated in the toniest penthouse, in the finest lit back street, the coziest dorm room at the most prestigious university, the furthest back room at the highest government institution, and the most desolate beach.”

Sorvino continued, “I and we are here to say to survivors you are not to blame … you are not alone. We will fight for you until this society does its utmost to protect you. And to halt the course of so many men who thought rape and sexual misconduct was their right and privilege.”

For her part, Moore said she attended as a member of Time’s Up to help “change policy in New York.”

Cuomo said, “Rape and sexual assault are much more common and frequent than we admit. Child abuse is much more common and frequent than we admit. Domestic violence is much more common and frequent than we admit. And I believe this system was designed in a way to protect society so they do not have to acknowledge this problem. That doesn’t work.”

“You will never solve a problem in life that you are unwilling to admit and denial is not a life strategy. We have denied this for too long. And what Time’s Up has said and what the victims who have spoken up have said, and what the advocates have said is enough is enough. We are not going to let you sweep it under the carpet anymore. It has been a pervasive, dark secret in society that nobody has wanted to acknowledge. It is a chronic problem and we acknowledge it today.”

The ceremony was not without some Albany sniping. A spokeswoman for state Sen. Alessandra Biaggi (D-Bronx), a chief sponsor of the bill, told The Post that the senator was not invited to the governor’s bill signing ceremony. The rookie lawmaker used to work for Cuomo but has clashed with him over fundraising and other issues.

Meanwhile, Cuomo said he will look at toughening up the rape law further when asked if he supported Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr.’s call to close the “voluntary intoxication loophole” in rape cases.

Vance complained the assaulter cannot be charged with a sex crime because of a loophole saying that someone who becomes voluntarily intoxicated is not considered “mentally incapacitated” for purposes of giving consent to sex.

“That is something we’re looking at very closely,” the governor said. “The devil is always in the details. You have to look at the bill.”