
Communist group torches US flag in protest of Trump’s Los Angeles visit

A self-described communist group burned an American flag outside a Los Angeles hotel Tuesday in protest of President Trump’s arrival in the city, sparking a series of fights with pro-Trump counter-protesters.

“America was never great!” chanted a contingent from Revolution Club Los Angeles as they locked hands in a circle outside the Beverly Hills Hotel, a video of the act tweeted by the group shows.

That refrain turned to “Humanity first!” as a rabble-rouser in the middle of the circle set Old Glory aflame.

Toward the end of the clip, one counter-protester can be seen trying to break into the circle, as those forming its perimeter brace their arms against the intrusion.

That clash was one of several that erupted throughout the tense stand-off, according to CBS affiliate KCAL 9.

“All my years, I’ve never seen that,” Gregg Donovan, a Trump supporter, told the station. “I was very disappointed in both sides. I took a neutral stance. I just stood there with my sign the whole time, but the burning of the flag really hurt.”

Trump was attending a nearby fundraiser put on by real estate developer and Republican donor Geoffrey Palmer as police outside broke up the skirmishes.

KCAL reported that while several people were detained, no one was arrested, a fact disputed by Revolution Club Los Angeles.

“That’s us who burned that rag cuz the Trump/Pence are fascists & the Democrats are war criminals & we need REVOLUTION!” tweeted the group, which describes itself as “guided by the New Communism forged by Bob Avakian,” chair of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA.

“And that’s a member of the Rev Club who was illegitimately arrested!” continued the tweet, retweeting a Fox reporter’s video of one protester being cuffed on the ground.

The group tweeted later that the protester had been released.