
Another United Nations human rights wrong

Providing yet more evidence that it’s an utter travesty, the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday chastised a Hong Kong lawmaker for calling out the truth.

Tanya Chan, the founder of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy Civic Party, testified in Geneva about police brutality against protesters: “Use of force is excessive and indiscriminate.” She gave specifics, too: Police “shot a beanbag round at a first-aider and blinded one of her eyes.” And “riot police attacked innocent subway passengers whom they claimed were rioters in disguise.”

Plus: “Arrested protesters face physical abuse,” including “sexual abuse cases.”

She added that Monday marked “the 100th day of the movement, but there is no sign the police will exercise restraint. This is a direct result of the lack of democracy in Hong Kong, as the government is not held accountable for its endorsement of police abuse.”

Her remarks followed new violence last Sunday, as police fired water cannon, tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters, who, in turn, threw gasoline bombs outside government headquarters.

She called on UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet to “support our appeal for this council to convene an urgent session and to establish a mission of inquiry to ensure the human rights of the people of Hong Kong.”

Then she asked the all-important question: “Why is China sitting here as a member of this Human Rights Council?”

That’s when the council’s No. 2, Carlos Mario Foradori of Argentina, told her to “frame the statement within the context of the agenda item strictly.”

Huh? The agenda item was “Promotion and protection of all human rights.” Chan spoke the truth. Her only mistake was asking for a solution for part of the problem.