
Driver fatally mows down cyclist he suspected was car thief

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The scene of the fatal mowing down of a potential car thief who tried to get away in Bushwick
Michael Dalton
Michael Dalton
Gregory P. Mango
Gregory P. Mango
Michael Dalton

An enraged driver took the law into his own hands in Brooklyn Monday when he fatally mowed down a cyclist after the pedal-pusher tried to break into his car and then slashed the motorist’s girlfriend, police sources said.

Korey Johnson was leaving Woodhull Hospital with his girlfriend at around 6 a.m. Monday morning when he spotted Donald Robert allegedly trying to break into several vehicles parked on Marcus Garvey Boulevard — including Johnson’s Jeep Grand Cherokee, according to a high-ranking law-enforcement source.

Johnson, 41, confronted the would-be burglar and Robert answered by slashing his girlfriend on the arm with a screwdriver, the police source said.

Robert, 47, then hopped on a bicycle and sped off — at which point Johnson got into his Jeep and zoomed the wrong way down the boulevard in pursuit of Robert.

The chase spilled onto Broadway, and Johnson caught up to Robert near Ellery Street, where the Jeep hit three parked cars and rammed into the cyclist, the sources said.

Video provided by a witness who declined to give his name shows the grisly aftermath — including the cyclist’s crumpled and lifeless body on the asphalt near a parked car. The black Jeep, on its side and missing its front bumper, is seen in the background.

The footage shows first responders lifting Robert body onto a stretcher and performing chest compressions.

The scene is littered with glass and pieces of the dead man’s bicycle, which was ripped apart on impact.

The condition of Johnson’s unidentified girlfriend wasn’t immediately clear. Police told The Post the screwdriver was recovered at the scene.

Johnson, who has 40 prior arrests, was taken into custody at the 83rd Precinct station house, but still had not been charged by Monday evening, sources said.

At least one local resident said the killing was justified.

“I don’t think he should do time because he was trying to protect and stop somebody from breaking into his car,” said a 41-year-old woman who provided only the name Leeola.

But Rogelio Lonozo, 36, said, “It’s not right. He has no right to kill somebody.”

Robert had 38 prior arrests.