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Floridians face fuel shortages as they brace for Hurricane Dorian

Florida residents are facing fuel shortages as they seek to stock up on supplies or to evacuate before Hurricane Dorian arrives next week.

“There’s some parts of the state where you have major lines for gas, cars are lined up. It makes it more difficult for the trucks to get in and replenish the gas supply,” Gov. Ron DeSantis said Friday.

“We have a lot of fuel in Florida, it’s just we have limited capacity to bring it from the port to the gas stations because you can only have so many trucks at one time doing that,” he said.

DeSantis, who has declared a state of emergency, added that he’s working with governors of neighboring states to bring in extra fuel.

“We, in the emergency declaration, waived service and truck rates for fuel trucks so we can increase capacity for fuel being brought in,” he said.

“We’re also going to be starting today implementing Florida Highway Patrol escorts for fuel trucks so we can increase fueling in critical parts of the state,” DeSantis added.

Miami resident Marion Wilkinson Scott posted on Twitter a photo of a car left overnight at a gas station in West Kendall — with a letter on the dashboard.

“I’m seeing this all over S. Flo… cars left over night at the gas station. Letter on the dash says: ‘My name is ____. I live close by. My car is out of gas. Please call me when more arrives! Tel: ____,’” he wrote.

Scott told CNN he stocked up last week when Dorian was a tropical storm and has reservations for a hurricane-proof hotel with a generator in Bonita Springs.

Residents wait in line to get gas in preparation for Hurricane Dorian
Residents wait in line to get gas in preparation for Hurricane Dorian.Getty Images

He said he’s worried about his two young daughters.

“I have two little girls. I don’t need for them to be in the heat once the electricity goes. We have shutters on our home. I’m glad we filled our tanks last week and have provisions. It is difficult to heed warnings when there is no gas at the station and no water in the market. Our tub will be filled,” Scott said.

“We are people of faith. We went to the church to pray,” he added.