
Trump crashes another wedding at his New Jersey golf resort

This is getting to be a regular thing.

President Trump crashed yet another wedding at his Bedminster, N.J., resort Saturday night.

Social media postings show the president standing next to a beaming bride, smiling and waving at wedding guests.

“The bride and groom and their guests even got to meet the President and First Lady as they were having dinner on their property!” gushed a post Sunday from a wedding photographer.

That posting showed the president and ​F​irst ​L​ady ​Melania Trump ​posing with the bride and groom, identified as Alyssa and Alexander, and their family.

Wedding guests can be heard chanting ​”​U-S-A​”​ in a video post showing the president.

Two weeks ago, Trump made a guest appearance at the “Make America Great Again” themed wedding of Staten Island couple Nicole Perosi and PJ Mongelli.

Trump embraced the bride and groom in a hug as the crowd roared its approval, then erupted into “USA! USA!” chants.

The president has also crashed weddings at his exclusive Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago.

In February 2017, Trump showed up at a wedding at the Palm Beach club following a news conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was visiting the president.


