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Oklahoma woman Debra Hamil sparks wild police chase after resisting arrest

A brazen motorist sparked a wild, caught-on-camera confrontation with an Oklahoma cop after refusing to be ticketed — telling the officer he was “full of s–t” before bolting.

“I don’t think I deserve to pay $80 for something that is fixable,” a defiant Debra Hamil, 65, snapped to a cop this month from her pickup truck as he tried to get her to sign a summons for a busted taillight.

Hamil was incensed that the officer wouldn’t let her go with just a warning, according to the more than 3 minutes of police body-camera footage obtained by KOCO-TV.

The video shows the officer, whose identity was not immediately known, telling the woman that she had been driving around with the broken light “for six months,” to which she replies, “I’m truthful.”

“I’m not going to give you a warning for something you’ve been driving [with] for six months,” the cop tells her when she refuses to sign.

When the cop orders Hamil to step out of the car, she shoots back, “Why?,” prompting the cop to tell her: “Because you’re under arrest.”

“No I’m not,” Hamil boldly replies as she locks her doors and rolls up the window, the video shows.

Seconds later, Hamil cracks the window to shout, “You be fair with me and I’ll be fair with you” as she continues to refuse his orders.

When the officer tells her, “I’m placing you under arrest,” she barks, “You are full of s–t because you are not placing me under no damn arrest.”

As the cop orders the woman to stay after anticipating that she’ll drive off, she shouts: “Oh, shut up and give me that and let me sign it.”

“We’re beyond that,” the cop says.

Seconds later, Hamil drives off, setting off a police chase.

The video picks back up with the cop moving in on Hamil with his gun draw as she’s parked in a lot. He again orders her to “get out of the car.”

When Hamil refuses, he opens her door and ultimately drags her to the ground, ordering her to put her hands behind her back.

“Leave me alone!” Hamil screams before the cop uses his stun gun on her.

Even then, she still refuses the cop’s commands.

“You’re going to get it again,” the officer warns her moments before arresting her.

Hamil admitted she tried to kick the cop during the parking lot scuffle “because I’m a country girl and no, I did not like to be thrown on the floor … I didn’t like being thrown to the God-damned ground.”

The woman, who told the officer she was in pain after the tasing, was brought to a hospital for an assessment.

She was charged with felony assault on a police officer and one misdemeanor for resisting arrest, according to KOCO-TV.