
Epic brawl between hawk and blue jays breaks out in Murray Hill

They don’t call it the concrete jungle for nothing.

A violent bird brawl broke out in Murray Hill Tuesday afternoon when a hawk captured a feathered creature — and a trio of other blue jays tried to avenge their pal.

Video posted on Instagram at around 5 p.m. shows the predator standing proudly on an air conditioning unit above a D’Agostino’s on Third Avenue between 35th and 36th Streets as the flock of cobalt-feathered creatures cry out and dive toward it.

“Aww, the poor blue jays,” someone can be heard saying.

About an hour later, the National Geographic-worthy fight was still in full swing, with the felled and bleeding blue jay lying on the third-floor AC unit with the hawk still looming over it — seemingly unbothered by the smaller birds swooping in.

Feathers streamed down to the pavement, where a crowd of about 40 observers stood watching the avian skirmish.

“That’s too much nature for me,” one person said as they walked away.

The hawk then began to pick at its prey, picking up and down to goad the blue jays, who retreated to a nearby tree.

Eventually, the apartment’s owner got home, turned on the AC and knocked on the window until the predator flew away, leaving behind his dinner.

“It’s a little gruesome,” said David Seifman, the former politics editor for The Post, who caught the squabble. “Especially in Midtown.”