US News

Rogue hot air balloon causes chaos and injuries at Missouri festival

An out-of-control hot air balloon knocked screaming spectators to the ground as it barreled through a crowded festival in Missouri.

Footage shows terrified families racing away as the rogue green-and-black balloon heads straight towards them, the pilot screaming as he tries to gain control at the Hannibal Bicentennial Celebration on Saturday.

The balloon’s basket slices through the crowd, sending spectators flying, including a mom holding two small children.

The balloon’s passenger was also thrown from the basket as the balloon crashed through trees.

The event’s organizers told ABC that only three people �� including the pilot — suffered minor injuries.

“There were no serious injuries, and the event continued,” officials told Fox News. “We are relieved to report nothing more serious.”

The balloon’s lone passenger, Chris Smith, told “Good Morning America” that the experienced pilot desperately screamed warnings as it started dropping from the sky.

“He was trying to get us back in the air, then all of a sudden we just hit the ground and I flopped out of the front of the basket,” she said. “He just screamed at everybody on the top of his lungs for everybody to get out of the way. It could have been a lot worse.”

Spectator Stephanie Haught said the balloon came just feet from hitting her young daughter.

“It was really scary having something there’s no way of stopping coming directly in your path,” she told ABC.